A origem da
Duas possibilidades
sobre a origem da soberania
Duas visões sobre
as questões primeiro e mais fundamental social, a soberania ,
participação política moderna . católicos colocá-lo em Deus,
isto é, nas leis naturais em conformidade com a vontade e
constitutivo da ordem social , cujas leis da herança do poder , a
sua masculinidade , sua legitimidade e independência são os
primeiros e mais naturais. protestantes e aqueles que seguem suas
doutrinas, colocá-la nas pessoas e as leis que são a expressão do
seu vontades , e que constituem uma ordem ou melhor, um simulacro de
sociedade totalmente arbitrária, sem herança do poder sem
legitimidade , sem independência .
O que as pessoas?
As pessoas é uma
multidão de indivíduos isolados, independentes uns dos outros em
sua moral sendo que no seu ser físico , para que todos tenham uma
vontade que ele tem os seus órgãos e, portanto, (as pessoas) é uma
ficção por que exclui os indivíduos que a compõem em um ser
coletivo , ideal ser racional que se pode ver, ouvir ou tocar, e se
você quer saber onde as pessoas , está em toda parte pelas suas
pessoas e nenhum lugar é tão pessoas .
É esse ideal e
nenhuma realidade individual é que todas as perfeições de todos os
graus e todos os poderes, que é creditado com um desejo , um motivo
, uma força e ainda assim só pode ter as vontades , quase sempre
conflitantes indivíduos , suas razões discordantes, e suas forças,
cegas e brutais.
Um exército é
também uma reunião de indivíduos , mas não é uma abstração nem
uma razão de ser ideal, porque é um corpo e um corpo organizado ,
que tem a sua cabeça e seus membros, que é ou seja, poder e
ministros, e um exército é uma corporação e uma armas limitadas,
a imagem mais perfeita da sociedade monárquica. Seu líder é
chamado de " Geral ", particularmente nas sociedades
cristãs palavra extraordinários e cujo resultado é tomadas em suas
crenças; palavra que não tem análogo em qualquer idioma ou
antiga, pagã palavra que expressa a unidade do corpo, incluindo o
"General" é o representante universal, é todo o exército
em um reduzido lo em sua forma mais simples, já que a "geral"
fala e age em nome do exército.
Assim, antes de
qualquer organização, as pessoas é uma multidão , é um corpo com
sua cabeça e seus membros, que não era soberano, não era nada,
tornou-se assunto quando ele admitiu um poder , seria reverter
multidão e perder a sua própria organização.
Na soberania
Analogia entre a
sociedade nacional e sociedade política
Mesmo melhor, a
soberania popular como entendido pelo nosso moderno política
consiste em que muitos soberanias , pois há famílias particulares
ou empresas nacionais, todos com poderes especiais, pois há pais de
família, todos os soberanos em seu estado pequeno, com as mesmas
atribuições e funções semelhantes, que, como ele para liderar
uma equipe de funcionários, equipamentos para cuidar, temas ,
funcionários, propriedade, finanças amigos, vizinhos ou inimigos,
em paz com um em guerra ou em litígio com os outros.
A sociedade
doméstica ou a família está em perfeita harmonia com a sociedade
monárquica , uma vez que têm uma constituição similar.
Família, sociedade
natural , comunica à empresa pública de "natural", se
assim posso dizer, em vez disso, está constantemente a discordar e
contradizem a sociedade popular ou república , e, portanto, as
instituições populares que podem sofrer de poder legítimo
[autoridade = (nota (VLR)] e revolta contra o " sujeito
"perturbar a família
por arruiná-lo
por suas leis e máximas a autoridade paterna , na dissolução do
vínculo matrimonial não e idéias inspiradoras para filhos da
desobediência e da rebelião contra a autoridade de seus pais.
O problema da
Como a nação e sua
soberania são ficções, tudo é ficção na maneira como ele
exerce-lo. Todos os membros masculinos da família, proprietários,
agricultores, comerciantes, industriais, acadêmicos, escritores,
artistas, artesãos, chamamos a todos ambos ou apenas um número de
representantes de todos os outros são chamados a passar sem
noviciado e despreparados governo de suas famílias para o público
do governo são para como muitos estrangeiros por suas ocupações e
hábitos, e é de fato legisladores políticos, administradores
públicos, e, apesar de sua militares e juízes do outro, mesmo
criminoso, e eles se tornam bem como pela imposição de mãos, os
juízes de todas as pessoas, de todos os tributação fortunas,
legisladores , sem autoridade , poder sem controle, sem
responsabilidade oficiais, agentes sem um mandado de ficção, se do
poder em um sistema onde tudo é ficção, exceto impostos, a
realidade esmagadora que os governos populares estão mais generoso
do que os governos absolutos porque que deixam os contribuintes uma
ficção de consentimento.
Censo eleições
No entanto, nós
montamos um número sob a única garantia de um cem pequeno e dado a
uma nação inteira para a escolha dos legisladores, embora muitas
vezes mal soyent adaptado para selecionar aqueles que deveriam fazer
leis que eles próprios, e passou 40 anos vemos manobra anual estas
assembleias eleitorais, funcionários eleitos, legisladores,
administradores, podemos julgar pelo estado de onde viemos a
sabedoria das leis que fizeram, e ao imenso número de leis que
quantos estão há muito esquecido, quantos mais necessidade de
repetir a cada ano, e como poucos os que sobreviveram pode ser
justificada aos olhos de razão , de religião e política .
Autonomia política
ou heteronomia?
política do ateísmo
A negação da
existência de Deus é o ateísmo indivíduo e especulativo, a
soberania do povo é a negação da soberania de Deus, o ateu
político e social, e podemos acreditar que o ser que é a sabedoria
infinita ea ordem essencial, autor e curador da sociedade humana,
abandonou os cuidados de seu trabalho para o ignorante, e apaixonada,
e ele pode aprovar que os homens fazem as leis, o mais alto cargo da
inteligência Ele lhes deu, uma arena onde a ambição , a ganância
, a inveja , o espírito de rebelião envolver uma batalha feroz
muitas vezes decidido pelo eleitor como incompetente?
A superioridade da
concepção cristã da soberania
Mas o seu Deus, diz
o ateu, no qual você coloca a soberania , não é como uma
abstração, um ideal ser, a criação de sua imaginação, você não
pode, mais do que as pessoas vêem ou ouvem ?
Este é o lugar onde
triunfo doutrinas católica do cristianismo (e esta é a sua força,
seus benefícios, digamos mesmo sua divindade) ( na margem : Os
pagãos tiveram uma idéia confusa da verdade como eles estavam
fazendo nos absurdos sua mitologia a idéia de seus deuses e
personificada nos mais baixos animais e até seres humanos
O cristianismo é a
"realização" da idéia especulativa e abstrata da
divindade, a personificação, se é que posso denominá-lo, do
próprio Deus, que, tendo feito o homem à Sua imagem, fez-se mesmo a
imagem do homem a ser conhecido, amado e adorado pelos homens.
18 séculos atrás,
que o filho de Deus, o próprio Deus dignou-se assumir a forma
humana, nasceu, viveu, sofreu, morreu como um homem, e conversaram
muito entre os homens. Em memória deste grande evento e para manter
o mundo em um testemunho perpétuo, ele deixou nos altares sua
presença real de uma forma mística e sob as aparências sensíveis:
ele deixou novamente no arquivamento dos livros sagrados de suas
aulas, regra eterna da moralidade e dos nossos deveres, na história
de sua vida mortal, o modelo eterno de todas as virtudes, e na
constituição da empresa que ele fundou e que ele é o supremo
poder, a qualquer tipo de constituição natural da sociedade.
Que Deus fez o homem
é o que os cristãos reconhecem o verdadeiro soberano poder da
empresa, pessoa humana em geral em sua representação toda a
humanidade, é como ele mesmo diz, o rei dos reis , aquele pelo
qual reinam os reis e os legisladores fazem leis justo e sábio, por
me reges reinante , todo o poder , ele disse, foi dada no céu e na
terra , nenhum outro nome que o seu era dada ao homem para ser
salvo, e para a sociedade para ser feliz e forte, esta é a pedra
angular da estrutura social contra a qual tudo corra será quebrado,
e é isso que esqueceu também muitas vezes os líderes das nações
cristãs que receberam a força para proteger a religião, e que,
embora possam ser observadores de seus preceitos em sua conduta
pessoal, não praticá-lo melhor do que nunca quando defendem.
Isto é o que Deus
fez o homem, Deus Salvador, representando na sua pessoa toda a
humanidade, para esta sociedade e instruindo suas lições e
exemplos, é, finalmente, o Deus da empresa é sua Providência negar
que a nossa inteligência que, para dar uma aparência de religião
como verdade abstrata e admitir a idéia especulativa de um Deus sem
aplicação para o governo do universo e da conduta humana; deístas
que não vivem o suficiente para tornam-se ateus porque seu deísmo
é, mesmo inconscientemente, que o ateísmo disfarçado!
Nota sobre o direito
É aqui que o
direito divino de poder que declaimers hipócritas ter um bicho-papão
para as mentes fracas e ignorantes?
Sem dúvida, o
direito divino , como eles pretendem ouvir a designação especial,
feita pelo próprio Deus, uma família para governar um povo , cujo
nome não encontramos um exemplo para a família hebraico reis a
partir do qual nasceu o salvador do mundo, em vez vemos a lei divina
em conformidade com as leis sociais leis naturais que Deus escreveu
na religião cristã,
diz Bossuet , não há lugar, nenhuma raça que somos obrigados a
manter apenas a deixar perecer a religião ea aliança .
A origem protestante
da soberania popular
É fácil ver que a
ficção da soberania das pessoas que vieram do protestantismo, a
religião em qualquer ficção que não tem nenhum altar, nenhum
sacrifício, nenhum sensível e não tem nada, mas palavras.
Assim que ele havia
colocado o poder religioso na igreja , ele foi levado para colocar o
poder político na multidão de súditos , e tendo assim produzido em
variações infinitas de sua doutrina de crenças anarquia, ele
poderia, em sua anarquia qu'enfanter política de vontades.
Vamos aqui falar
sobre a soberania dos povos de o intérprete mais profunda e
eloquente de religião e política cristã católica, Bossuet, que
tratou desses materiais, especialmente na Quinta aviso para os
protestantes .
Mas, mesmo sem
examinar as conseqüências do sistema, ir à fonte e tomar o lugar
do ministro Jurieu política por mais especioso.
Ele imaginou que as
pessoas é, naturalmente, soberano, ou para falar com ele, ele tem,
naturalmente, a soberania , uma vez que dá a quem lhe aprouver.
Mas isso está
vagando no princípio e não ouvir as palavras, porque, vendo os
homens como eles são, naturalmente, e principalmente do governo
estabelecido, encontramos apenas a anarquia , ou seja, em todos os
homens um selvagem e indomável liberdade, onde todos podem aspirar
e desafiar tudo ao mesmo tempo, onde todo mundo está sob custódia
e, portanto, em contínua guerra contra todos, onde a razão não
pode fazer nada, porque chama a todos , porque a paixão que o leva,
onde a lei da natureza permanece impotente como a razão não tem
nenhuma; onde consequentemente não há nem propriedade nem campo ,
nem bom , nem a certeza, aliás, também não direito , se n ' é o
mais forte, mas ninguém sabe quem é, como cada um pode tornar-se de
acordo com as paixões que irá repelir todas as pessoas mais ou
menos;se a raça humana
jamais foi inteiramente nesse estado, quer que as pessoas lá foram e
em que áreas ou como e por quanto saiu, ele deve decidir contar até
o infinito ...
não pode ter
pessoas neste estado, pode muito bem ter famílias mal geridos e mal
seguro, pode muito bem ser uma banda, uma massa de pessoas, uma
multidão confusa, mas não pode haver pessoas , porque um povo algo
pressupõe que reúne alguns de condução e alguma lei estabeleceu
estabelecido que só acontece para aqueles que já começaram a sair
desta condição infeliz, isto é, de anarquia.
The origin of sovereignty
Two possibilities on the origin of sovereignty
Two views on the issues first and most fundamental social, sovereignty, modern political participation. Catholics put it in God, that is, the natural laws in accordance with the will and constitutive of social order, whose laws of inheritance of power, their masculinity, their legitimacy and independence are the first and most natural. Protestants and those who follow their doctrines, put it in people and the laws are the expression of their wills, and which constitute an order or better, a simulacrum of society entirely arbitrary, without inheritance of power without legitimacy, without independence.
What people?
People are a multitude of individuals, independent of each other in their moral being that in his physical being, so that everyone has a will that he has his organs, and therefore (people) is a fiction that excludes individuals who form a collective being, ideally rational being who can see, hear or touch, and if you want to know where people are everywhere for its people and is nowhere as people.
It is this ideal and no individual reality is that all the perfections of all grades and all powers, who is credited with a desire, a reason, and still a force can only have the will, often conflicting individuals, their reasons for disagreeing , and his forces, blind and brutal.
An army is also a collection of individuals, but is not an abstraction nor a reason to be ideal because it is a body and an organized body, which has its head and its members, which is namely power and ministers, and a Army is a corporation and a limited weapons, the most perfect image of monarchical society. Their leader is called "General", particularly in Christian societies extraordinary and whose word is taken as a result of their beliefs; word that has no analogue in any language or ancient pagan word that expresses the unity of the body, including the "General" is universal representative, the whole army is in a reduced it in its simplest form, since the "general" speaks and acts on behalf of the army.
Thus, before any organization, people is a crowd, is a body with its head and its members, it was not sovereign, it was nothing, became an issue when he admitted power, would revert crowd and lose his own organization.
On popular sovereignty
Analogy between the national society and political society
Even better, popular sovereignty as understood by our modern politics is that many sovereignties as there are families or private firms, all with special powers, as there are parents, every sovereign in his small state, with the same powers and similar functions, who, like him to lead a team of employees, equipment care, issues, employees, property, finance, friends, neighbors or enemies, in peace with a war or in a dispute with the other.
The domestic society or family is in perfect harmony with the monarchic society, since they have a constitution similar.
Family, a natural society, communicates to the public company of "natural", if I may say so, instead, is constantly disagree and contradict popular society or republic, and therefore popular institutions might suffer from legitimate power [authority = (note (VLR)] and revolt against the "subject" to disturb the family
to ruin it by its laws and maxims paternal authority, the dissolution of the marriage bond and not inspiring ideas for children of disobedience and rebellion against the authority of their parents.
The problem of the representation
As a nation and its sovereignty are fictions, everything is fiction in the way he plays it. All male family members, owners, farmers, traders, industrialists, academics, writers, artists, artisans, both call on all or just a number of representatives from all the others are called to do without novitiate and unprepared government of their families to the public to the government are as many foreigners for their occupations and habits, and it is indeed policy makers, public administrators, and, despite its military and the other judges, even criminal, and they become and the imposition of hands, judges of all people, of all wealth tax, legislators, without authority, power without control, without liability officers, agents without a warrant of fiction, if the power in a system where everything is fiction, except taxes, the crushing reality that popular governments are more generous than the absolute governments because taxpayers who fail a fiction of consent.
Census elections
However, we have assembled a number under the sole guarantee of a hundred small and given to an entire nation for the choice of legislators, though often ill-suited soyent to select those who should make laws that they themselves, and spent 40 years we maneuver Annual election of these assemblies, elected officials, legislators, administrators, can judge the state of where we came from the wisdom of the laws they made, and the immense number of laws that have long forgotten how many, how many more need to repeat every year, and how few that survived can be justified in the eyes of reason, religion and politics.
Political autonomy or heteronomy?
Political consequence of atheism
The denial of God's existence is speculative atheism individual and the sovereignty of the people is the denial of the sovereignty of God, the atheist political and social, and we believe that the being who is infinite wisdom and essential order, author and curator of human society, abandoned the care of his work for the ignorant, and passionate, and he can pass that men make the laws, the highest office of the intelligence He gave them an arena in which ambition, greed, envy, spirit of rebellion involved a fierce battle often decided by the voters as incompetent?
The superiority of the Christian conception of sovereignty
But your God, says the atheist, in which you put the sovereignty, not as an abstraction, an ideal being, the creation of your imagination, you can not more people see or hear?
This is where Catholic doctrines triumph of Christianity (and this is its strength, its benefits, say even his divinity) (margin: The pagans had a confused idea of truth as they were doing in their mythology the absurd idea of their gods and personified in the lower animals and even humans insensitive).
Christianity is the "realization" of the speculative and abstract idea of the deity, the personification, if I may call it, of God himself, who, having made man in His image, it was the same man's image to be known, loved and adored by men.
18 centuries ago, the son of God, God himself deigned to take human form, was born, lived, suffered, died as a man, and talked much among men. In memory of this great event and to keep the world in a perpetual testimony, he left his real presence on the altars of a mystical way and under the sensible appearances: he left again in the filing of the sacred books of his lectures, morality and eternal rule of our duties in the history of his mortal life, the eternal model of all virtues, and the constitution of the company he founded and he is the supreme power, any kind of natural constitution of society.
God made man is what Christians recognize the true sovereign power of the company, individual in general on their behalf all mankind, is as he says, the king of kings, that by which kings reign and legislators are just and wise laws, for me reges ruling, all power, he said, was given in heaven and on earth, no other name that was given to his men to be saved, and to society to be happy and strong, this is the cornerstone of the social structure against which everything runs will be broken, and this is also often forgotten that the leaders of the Christian nations who received the strength to protect the religion, and that, although observers of its precepts in their conduct personal, not practice it better than ever when defending.
This is what God made man, God and Saviour, representing in his person all mankind, for society and instructing their lessons and examples, it is ultimately the God of his Providence company is denying that our intelligence, to give appearance of religion as an abstract truth and admit the idea of a God without a speculative application to the government of the universe and of human conduct; deists who do not live long enough to become atheists because their Deism is, even unconsciously, that atheism in disguise !
Note on the divine right
It is here that the divine right of power declaimers hypocrites have a bogeyman to the weak minded and ignorant?
Without doubt, the divine right, as they claim to hear the special designation, made by God himself, a family to govern a people whose name does not find an example for the family of the Hebrew kings from whom was born the Savior of the world, rather we see the divine law in accordance with social laws natural laws that God wrote:
in the Christian religion, says Bossuet, no place, no race we are obliged to keep only to let religion destroy the alliance.
The Protestant origin of popular sovereignty
It is easy to see that the fiction of the sovereignty of the people who came from Protestantism, the religion of any fiction that has no altar, no sacrifice, no sensitive and has nothing but words.
Once he had put the religious power in the church, he was taken to place political power in the multitude of subjects, and having thus produced endless variations of his doctrine of beliefs anarchy, he could in his political anarchy qu'enfanter of wills .
Come here to talk about the sovereignty of the people of the most profound and eloquent interpreter of religion and politics Christian Catholic, Bossuet, who handled these materials, especially on Thursday warning to the Protestants.
But even without considering the consequences of the system, go to the source and take the place of the minister Jurieu policy for more specious.
He imagined people is, of course, sovereign, or to speak with him, he naturally has the sovereignty, since it gives to whom he pleases.
But this is wandering at the beginning and not hear the words, because, seeing the men as they are, of course, and especially the established government, we found only anarchy, ie, in all men a wild and untamed freedom, where everyone can aspire and challenge all at the same time, where everyone is in custody and, therefore, continuous war against all, where reason can not do anything because all the calls, because the passion that takes you where the law of nature remains helpless as the reason does not have any, and where consequently there is neither owned nor field, nor good, nor certainty, nor, indeed no right, if n 'is the strongest, but nobody knows who he is, how each one can become in accordance with the passions that will repel all persons more or less, if the human race has never been entirely in this state or that people there were and in what areas or how and how much did he decide to count to infinity ...
can not have people in this state, may well have families and badly mismanaged insurance may well be a band, a mass of people, a confused crowd, but there can be people, because a people assumes that something gathers some driving and established a law established that only happens to those who have already started to get out of this unfortunate condition, ie, anarchy.
Two possibilities on the origin of sovereignty
Two views on the issues first and most fundamental social, sovereignty, modern political participation. Catholics put it in God, that is, the natural laws in accordance with the will and constitutive of social order, whose laws of inheritance of power, their masculinity, their legitimacy and independence are the first and most natural. Protestants and those who follow their doctrines, put it in people and the laws are the expression of their wills, and which constitute an order or better, a simulacrum of society entirely arbitrary, without inheritance of power without legitimacy, without independence.
What people?
People are a multitude of individuals, independent of each other in their moral being that in his physical being, so that everyone has a will that he has his organs, and therefore (people) is a fiction that excludes individuals who form a collective being, ideally rational being who can see, hear or touch, and if you want to know where people are everywhere for its people and is nowhere as people.
It is this ideal and no individual reality is that all the perfections of all grades and all powers, who is credited with a desire, a reason, and still a force can only have the will, often conflicting individuals, their reasons for disagreeing , and his forces, blind and brutal.
An army is also a collection of individuals, but is not an abstraction nor a reason to be ideal because it is a body and an organized body, which has its head and its members, which is namely power and ministers, and a Army is a corporation and a limited weapons, the most perfect image of monarchical society. Their leader is called "General", particularly in Christian societies extraordinary and whose word is taken as a result of their beliefs; word that has no analogue in any language or ancient pagan word that expresses the unity of the body, including the "General" is universal representative, the whole army is in a reduced it in its simplest form, since the "general" speaks and acts on behalf of the army.
Thus, before any organization, people is a crowd, is a body with its head and its members, it was not sovereign, it was nothing, became an issue when he admitted power, would revert crowd and lose his own organization.
On popular sovereignty
Analogy between the national society and political society
Even better, popular sovereignty as understood by our modern politics is that many sovereignties as there are families or private firms, all with special powers, as there are parents, every sovereign in his small state, with the same powers and similar functions, who, like him to lead a team of employees, equipment care, issues, employees, property, finance, friends, neighbors or enemies, in peace with a war or in a dispute with the other.
The domestic society or family is in perfect harmony with the monarchic society, since they have a constitution similar.
Family, a natural society, communicates to the public company of "natural", if I may say so, instead, is constantly disagree and contradict popular society or republic, and therefore popular institutions might suffer from legitimate power [authority = (note (VLR)] and revolt against the "subject" to disturb the family
to ruin it by its laws and maxims paternal authority, the dissolution of the marriage bond and not inspiring ideas for children of disobedience and rebellion against the authority of their parents.
The problem of the representation
As a nation and its sovereignty are fictions, everything is fiction in the way he plays it. All male family members, owners, farmers, traders, industrialists, academics, writers, artists, artisans, both call on all or just a number of representatives from all the others are called to do without novitiate and unprepared government of their families to the public to the government are as many foreigners for their occupations and habits, and it is indeed policy makers, public administrators, and, despite its military and the other judges, even criminal, and they become and the imposition of hands, judges of all people, of all wealth tax, legislators, without authority, power without control, without liability officers, agents without a warrant of fiction, if the power in a system where everything is fiction, except taxes, the crushing reality that popular governments are more generous than the absolute governments because taxpayers who fail a fiction of consent.
Census elections
However, we have assembled a number under the sole guarantee of a hundred small and given to an entire nation for the choice of legislators, though often ill-suited soyent to select those who should make laws that they themselves, and spent 40 years we maneuver Annual election of these assemblies, elected officials, legislators, administrators, can judge the state of where we came from the wisdom of the laws they made, and the immense number of laws that have long forgotten how many, how many more need to repeat every year, and how few that survived can be justified in the eyes of reason, religion and politics.
Political autonomy or heteronomy?
Political consequence of atheism
The denial of God's existence is speculative atheism individual and the sovereignty of the people is the denial of the sovereignty of God, the atheist political and social, and we believe that the being who is infinite wisdom and essential order, author and curator of human society, abandoned the care of his work for the ignorant, and passionate, and he can pass that men make the laws, the highest office of the intelligence He gave them an arena in which ambition, greed, envy, spirit of rebellion involved a fierce battle often decided by the voters as incompetent?
The superiority of the Christian conception of sovereignty
But your God, says the atheist, in which you put the sovereignty, not as an abstraction, an ideal being, the creation of your imagination, you can not more people see or hear?
This is where Catholic doctrines triumph of Christianity (and this is its strength, its benefits, say even his divinity) (margin: The pagans had a confused idea of truth as they were doing in their mythology the absurd idea of their gods and personified in the lower animals and even humans insensitive).
Christianity is the "realization" of the speculative and abstract idea of the deity, the personification, if I may call it, of God himself, who, having made man in His image, it was the same man's image to be known, loved and adored by men.
18 centuries ago, the son of God, God himself deigned to take human form, was born, lived, suffered, died as a man, and talked much among men. In memory of this great event and to keep the world in a perpetual testimony, he left his real presence on the altars of a mystical way and under the sensible appearances: he left again in the filing of the sacred books of his lectures, morality and eternal rule of our duties in the history of his mortal life, the eternal model of all virtues, and the constitution of the company he founded and he is the supreme power, any kind of natural constitution of society.
God made man is what Christians recognize the true sovereign power of the company, individual in general on their behalf all mankind, is as he says, the king of kings, that by which kings reign and legislators are just and wise laws, for me reges ruling, all power, he said, was given in heaven and on earth, no other name that was given to his men to be saved, and to society to be happy and strong, this is the cornerstone of the social structure against which everything runs will be broken, and this is also often forgotten that the leaders of the Christian nations who received the strength to protect the religion, and that, although observers of its precepts in their conduct personal, not practice it better than ever when defending.
This is what God made man, God and Saviour, representing in his person all mankind, for society and instructing their lessons and examples, it is ultimately the God of his Providence company is denying that our intelligence, to give appearance of religion as an abstract truth and admit the idea of a God without a speculative application to the government of the universe and of human conduct; deists who do not live long enough to become atheists because their Deism is, even unconsciously, that atheism in disguise !
Note on the divine right
It is here that the divine right of power declaimers hypocrites have a bogeyman to the weak minded and ignorant?
Without doubt, the divine right, as they claim to hear the special designation, made by God himself, a family to govern a people whose name does not find an example for the family of the Hebrew kings from whom was born the Savior of the world, rather we see the divine law in accordance with social laws natural laws that God wrote:
in the Christian religion, says Bossuet, no place, no race we are obliged to keep only to let religion destroy the alliance.
The Protestant origin of popular sovereignty
It is easy to see that the fiction of the sovereignty of the people who came from Protestantism, the religion of any fiction that has no altar, no sacrifice, no sensitive and has nothing but words.
Once he had put the religious power in the church, he was taken to place political power in the multitude of subjects, and having thus produced endless variations of his doctrine of beliefs anarchy, he could in his political anarchy qu'enfanter of wills .
Come here to talk about the sovereignty of the people of the most profound and eloquent interpreter of religion and politics Christian Catholic, Bossuet, who handled these materials, especially on Thursday warning to the Protestants.
But even without considering the consequences of the system, go to the source and take the place of the minister Jurieu policy for more specious.
He imagined people is, of course, sovereign, or to speak with him, he naturally has the sovereignty, since it gives to whom he pleases.
But this is wandering at the beginning and not hear the words, because, seeing the men as they are, of course, and especially the established government, we found only anarchy, ie, in all men a wild and untamed freedom, where everyone can aspire and challenge all at the same time, where everyone is in custody and, therefore, continuous war against all, where reason can not do anything because all the calls, because the passion that takes you where the law of nature remains helpless as the reason does not have any, and where consequently there is neither owned nor field, nor good, nor certainty, nor, indeed no right, if n 'is the strongest, but nobody knows who he is, how each one can become in accordance with the passions that will repel all persons more or less, if the human race has never been entirely in this state or that people there were and in what areas or how and how much did he decide to count to infinity ...
can not have people in this state, may well have families and badly mismanaged insurance may well be a band, a mass of people, a confused crowd, but there can be people, because a people assumes that something gathers some driving and established a law established that only happens to those who have already started to get out of this unfortunate condition, ie, anarchy.
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